Steven and Zev went to go visit Jordan at school today and went to the local skate shop, where they met Bam Magera. Steven heard he could be a bit of a douche when it comes to meeting fans, but thats not something that would deter Steven, so he asked for a pic. Bam was like, "Yea sure, whatever". Zev didnt really have any idea who he was (I mean, he's not Tony Hawk after all, lol) In fact, Zev probably thought Bam wanted his pic! (My son is a celebrity in his own mind! How's THAT for self esteem!!??) Anyway - here's the pic!
Have you had a recent brush with someone famous?
Oh - and here I am with all the boys....at YitzPeking (greatest kosher Chinese in Philly) for the Going to College (and 2nd Grade) dinner)
Good luck to everyone in the new school year!