Keep reintroducing new foods. Take it from a parent who has really picky eaters, the biggest mistake is not reintroducing. Mrs. LFD is a speech therapist and she would agree.
I've all but abandoned the daytrading for now to concentrate on the swing trades. Here's how it works:
I noticed that stocks that report worse than expected earnings AND have a price drop that day, seem to signal the start of a price downtrend. Therefore, at the close of the day that a stock reports worse than expected earnings AND the stock dropped, I short, and look for at least $0.50. Im also willing to wait for it a few days.
Don't sweat it, Cheerios are healthy. Be happy he's not gulping down Fruit Loops.
BTW, does have teeth already? If not PLEASE make sure to break the Cheerios, they can be a choking hazard if the baby can not chew them.
Lots of nachus from all. :-)
MK - thanks!
Yes, he has 2 on the bottom, but I break Cheerios in half til they are, like, 5!
You get the MOM_OF_THE_YEAR award!
Now if you could just figure out how to get them to clean up after themselves...
Keep reintroducing new foods. Take it from a parent who has really picky eaters, the biggest mistake is not reintroducing. Mrs. LFD is a speech therapist and she would agree.
MK - no it makes me neurotic mom of the year!
LFD..ill try it. its just thhat now he swats at everything and it all goes flying!! so frustrating!! Thanks!
OMG. Do i have a lot to learn. Vey iz mir.
OMG. Do i have a lot to learn. Vey iz mir.
I can see the future. The baby will be in group therapy for CA (Cheeriolics Anonymous). Hooked since infancy and turned to the dark side. lol
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