Thursday, December 11, 2008


In need opinions about a post, but I recognize that the pics may be offensive to some.  That's your warning.

The post is here.


cool yiddishe mama said...

where is the post?

Tr8erGirl said...

click the red "here"

DavenedByDeKoisel said...

Either your school is going liberal or someone is really falling asleep on the job. These are the "OMG" moments in parenting we all love so much. From what you write, he seems to be getting alot of info already. I would explain the 1st picture the best way possible and the 2nd one is not that problematic anyway...

AC said...

OMG I cant be friends with you anymore!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

OMG! I can't believe they would allow children to read this. Now I know my views are considered old fashioned, conservative, etc, etc, but this is %@$& unbelievable!
I don't think adults should read this. What's the point of this crap? A biology lesson?
I would get my kid outta there so fast...
Man, things are so screwed up. Why is it that liberal Jews have to prove that they are the biggest "ausvorfs"(loosely translated - low-life) on the planet?
When I was a kid, we didn't have sex education and I managed to figure it all out anyway. (and whatever i don't know by now, couldn't be too important. LOL)

btw, what is "Imma On The Bimah"?

P.S. This post really got me upset. My first draft of this reply was not publishable.

Tr8erGirl said...

Davened - yes - he gets info - i answer the questions he asks pretty straightforwardly.

AC - weirdo

MC - look, i think kids should have information - nothing wrong with that, but I guess my point is that every family teaches sex ed according to their own values (or not). A kid, especially in second grade, shouldnt be able to pick up such a book off the shelf without parental permission. And dont think for a second that the kids in his class didnt gather around at recess to look at the book, cuz Im sure they did. I guess I just want to have control over the information that my son gets about sex. Certainly I wont be able to control it all, but I dont need school to do it without my permission.

Imma on the Bima is exactly what the title says...about a mommy who is a "rabbi"..

You know I publish anything.......I respect the freedom of speech!

Anonymous said...

Not quite everything, there were some of my comments that you censored, thank g-d!

Anonymous said...

I agree that this book should NOT be readily available, even more so, it should not be available in the school. Sex ed. should be taught in the home as appropriate. While I do not make up pretend names for body parts I absolutely do not go any further than that. Children are on a need to know basis and this is something they do not need to know. Call me a prude. Kidding aside, kids only need to know whats developmentally appropriate. For example, when my daughter approaches late adolescents/early teens we will have an appropriate conversation. no surprises, and just the facts.

Tr8erGirl said...

MK - yes - for ur own good!

Tr8erGirl said...

Mrs. LFD - Nope, don't think ur opinion is prudish at all. And I agree with you - its a family thing - not something that should be available off the shelf without a parents permission. IMHO

Miriam said...

Wait, let me swallow hard. *gulp*

I think that should be addressed only from a certain age onwards. And that it shouldn't be too freely to take from the library.

I hope that's not prudish. lol.