Monday, July 16, 2007

Trades for Monday 7/16/07

Happy Monday, All!

Closing Trades:
None today - there was nothing going on for the strategy to trade at the close on Friday

Day Trades:
Nothing going on for the daytrading strategy in the price range that I typically buy, so I went with MCD (good earnings guidance) @ 52.23, 9:34........Sld @ 52.43, 9:57 - didn't do much but go down past that.....but I'm practicing for 20 cents.

Opening Trades (@ the close)
Again, not much going on, long or short, in the price range that I typically like, so I'm sticking with MCD:
Buy MCD @ 52.12, 3:59


ggggg said...

sounds like you had a pretty boring day!

Adam said...

I like the Zev bobblehead. I'll see what I can do with the graphics for the tee's. Rock on Zev!! 2 Weeks left and then it's Dorney time! We'll have to work on your chops once you get the cast off.

Love you!!!

Tr8erGirl said...

LV - you can't even imagine!
Dad - Yay! You rock!